Published Translations

LEAP, F/W 2021 秋冬刊

方言, “可能的友谊,” Yan Fang, “Possible Friendships.”

LEAP, S/S 2021 春夏刊.

龙奕瑭, “鲸落——致敬黄永砅,” Long Yitang, “Whale Fall—A Tribute to Huang Yong Ping.”

杨宇青, “沈心怡(Sydney Shen)的物之剧场,” Edel Yuqing Yang, “Ghost Dance—on Sydney Shen’s Theater of Objects.”

贺潇, “郝量:秋思,” Fiona He, “Hao Liang: Autumn Thoughts.”

李素超, “蒲英玮:晦涩历险——思辨波普与泛中主义,” Li Suchao, “Pu Yingwei: Obscure Adventure—Speculative Pop & Pan-Chinesism”

李佳, “林从欣:猪仔叹和毒物赋,” Li Jia, “Candice Lin: Pigs and Poison.”

LEAP, S/S 2020 春夏刊.

徐浪,杨宇振, “传统材料与乡村空间生产,” Xu Lang and Yang Yuzhen, “Traditional Material and the Production of Rural Space.”

陈乃华, “贡噶嘉措 — 西藏现代性的追寻” Chen Naihua, “Gonkar Gyatso — In Search of a Tibetan Modernity.”

瞿畅, “上新界——新界、劳丽丽和生活馆,” Qu Chang, “Up to the New Territories: Natalie Lo Lai Lai and Sandwoodgoon.”

LEAP, F/W 2019 秋冬刊.  

皮力, “告别文化进化论的美术馆,” Pi Li, “Bidding Farewell to the Cultural Evolution of Art Museums.”

杨紫, “ON | OFF:你好 | 再见,” Yang Zi, “ON | OFF: Hello | Goodbye.”

皮力, “后奥运时代中国艺术的困境” Yishu Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, 16:6, 2017 十一月十二月

Pi Li, “The Plight of Chinese Art in the Post-Olympics Era,” Yishu Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, 16:6, November / December 2017

皮力, “从绘画到影像:张培力与新潮美术运动” 张培力:记录。重复。芝加哥艺术学院博物馆, 2017.

Pi Li, “Perpetual Antagonism: Tracing Zhang Peili’s Practice,” in McBee, Wilson and Greg Nosan (eds.), Zhang Peili: Record. Repeat. Art Institute of Chicago, 2017.

皮力, “廣東快車:早期珠江三角洲藝術的一個剖面”与展览文本, M+ Pavillion, 2017.

Pi Li, “Canton Express: A Profile of Early Art of the Pearl River Delta,” and exhibition descriptions for Canton Express, M+ Pavillion, 2017.

汪民安, “包裹、分裂和嫁接:徐累的三种绘画空间” Xu Lei: Interact, Marlborough Gallery, 2017.

Wang Min-An, “Constrained, Divided, and Grafted: Xu Lei’s three painted spaces” in Xu Lei: Interact, Marlborough Gallery, 2017.

Liang, Theresa and Liu Bo (eds.), 喻紅: 憂雲 | Yu Hong: Wondering Clouds, Long March Space, Beijing, 2013.

“深潭:趙波訪談|Abyss: An Interview with Zhao Bo”
“素手:朱咬訪談|Plain Fingers: An Interview with Zhu Yao”
“蚊帳:胡曉媛訪談|Bed Net: An Interview with Hu Xiaoyuan”
“迷夜:趙可訪談|Lost in the Night: An Interview with Zhao Ke”
“抽屜:張新軍訪談|Drawers: An Interview with Zhang Xinjun”
“記憶盒:張潛淺訪談|Memory Box: An Interview with Zhang Qianqian”

朱金石 Zhu Jinshi, Pearl Lam Galleries, 2013.

“什麼是抽象繪畫: 朱金石與 Paul Moorhouse的對話 | What is Abstract Art: A dialogue between Paul Moorhouse and Zhu Jinshi”
“呼吸的繪畫:朱金石與菲利普·多德的通信 | “Paintings that Breathe: Zhu Jinshi in correspondence with Philip Dodd,”

Mulan River Project, Boers-Li Gallery, 2012.