Joy Bloser

Conservation | Translation | Outreach





I am a professionally-trained objects conservator specialized in the care of contemporary art with particular expertise in the conservation of plastics. I am an assistant conservator at the Menil Collection in Houston, TX and I have a private conservation studio that I operate under the umbrella of Joy Bloser Art Conservation.


I translate Mandarin Chinese art-based texts to English for artists, writers, galleries, and museums.


I serve as the Program Chair for AIC’s Contemporary Art Network (CAN!), co-organizer for CAN! Conversations, and as a guest lecturer and instructor on topics in conservation.


 Professional Experience




Object Conservation

The Menil Collection, Assistant Objects Conservator
Joy Bloser Art Conservation, Private Objects Conservator
The Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Assistant Conservator, Public Outreach, Contemporary Art & TBM
The Museum of Modern Art, New York, David Booth Fellow in Sculpture Conservation
Fales Library and Special Collections, NYU, Project Conservator

The Museum of Modern Art, New York, Graduate Fellow in Sculpture Conservation
Newport Preservation Society, Graduate Fellow in Objects Conservation
The Costume Institute at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Graduate Fellow in Fashion Conservation
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Graduate Fellow in Objects Conservation
Sanctuary of the Great Gods, Samothrace, Graduate Conservator in Archeological Conservation

curatorial management

UCCA Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, Assistant Curator and Exhibition Manager
Zheng Shengtian and Yishu Journal, Research Assistant

Art Fairs

Art Basel Hong Kong, On-Site VIP Manager
Sydney Contemporary Art Fair, Head of VIP Relations
ArtHK, On-Site VIP Manager

Picture Framing

Cherry Creek Custom Picture Framing, Picture Framer
Framewright Custom Framing, Picture Framer



Crossed polarized light (Copy)

Bard Graduate Center, New York

Course Active Matter: Wandering Seminar
Workshop Conservation Summer School

The Institute of Fine Arts, New York University

MS Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works
MA History of Art & Archaeology

Middlebury College

BA Chinese Language & Literature and the History of Art & Architecture
Certificate C.V. Starr Middlebury at Zhejiang University of Technology
Certificate Middlebury College Chinese Summer Language School 



Image Credits:

Homepage Images: (Top) Joe Colombo, Universale stacking side chairs, 1967, The Museum of Modern Art, New York. (Middle) Tatsuo Miyajima, Mega Death, 1999, Domus Collection © 2014 Tatsuo Miyajima. (Bottom) Image by Cathy Baumanis, The Menil Collection, Houston TX © 2023 The Menil Collection.

About Page Images: (Top) Peter Lindbergh, “The Unknown — The Chinese Episode,” UCCA Beijing, China, 2011. (Middle) Abraham Palatnik, Kinechromatic Apparatus S-141957-58, The Museum of Modern Art, New York © 2020 Abraham Palatnik. (Bottom) Fiber identification, cross polarized light microscopic image, Joy Bloser.

Conservation Research Image: Dan Flavin, Monument for V. Tatlin, 1964. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston © 2011 Estate of Dan Flavin / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.